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Way back in 1925, The International BuReau of Education was founded with a grant from the Rockefeller Foundation. It later became part of UNESCO.

In 1935. In a report presented at the 72nd annual NEA meeting, Willard Givens (later NEA executive secretary) wrote: "A dying laissez-faire must be completely destroyed and all of us... must be subjected to a large degree of social control. .. The major function of the school is the social orientation of the individual. It must seek to give him understanding of the transition to a new social order

in 1942. The editor of the NEA Journal, J. Elmer Morgan, wrote an editorial titled "The United Peoples of the World." In it, he explained a world government's need for an educational branch, a world system of money and credit, a world police force, "a world bill of rights and duties.

in 1946. In his NEA editorial, "The teacher and World Government," J. Elmer Morgan, wrote, "In the struggle to establish an adequate world government, the teacher... can do much to prepare the hearts and minds of children.... At the very top of all the agencies which will assure the coming of world government must stand the school, the teacher, and the organized profession. Again, in he NEA printed "National Education in an International World" (Teacher's College): The establishment of [UNESCO] marks the culmination of the a movement for the creation of an international agency of education.... Nations that become members of UNESCO accordingly assume an obligation to revise the textbooks used in their schools.... Each member nation... has a duty to se to it that nothing its it curriculum... is contrary to UNESCO's aims."

something really big happened in 1946, something that would have a worldwide impact of education, especially here in the united states of america. what was that event?

it was An NEA-sponsored "World Conference of the Teaching Profession" drafted a Constitution for a World Organization of the Teaching Profession. It would be "a mighty force in aiding UNESCO" said William Carr (associate secretary of NEA's Education Policies Commission

In 1948. The NEA... produced a set of international guidelines called Education for International Understanding in American Schools - Suggestions and Recommendations. It included this statement:

"The idea has become established that the preservation of international peace and order may require that force be used to compel a nation to conduct its affairs within the framework of an established world system. The most modern expression of this doctrine of collective security is in the United Nations Charter... Many persons believe that enduring peace cannot be achieved so long as the nation-state system continues as at present constituted. It is a system of international anarchy.


in 1948, One World Government

plans laid out how they would go about creating a one world world government. Julian Huxley (first Director-General of UNESCO) wrote in UNESCO: Its Purpose and Its Philosophy: The general philosophy of UNESCO should be a scientific world humanism, global in extent and evolutionary in background... In its education program it can... familiarize all peoples with the implications of the transfer of full sovereignty from separate nations to a world organization.... Tasks for the media division of Unesco [will be] to promote the growth of a common outlook shared by all nations and cultures... to help the emergence of a single world culture.

in 1968. Professor John Goodlad reported that Professor Benjamin Bloom [called Father of Outcome Based Education] "was invited by UNESCO in 1968 to submit a proposal for a six to nine week training program which would partially fulfill recommendations made at UNESCO's Moscow meeting dealing with the formation of national centers for curriculum development and research...." Bloom's "program was ultimately approved by the UNESCO General Council.

In 1972. NEA president Catherine Barrett said, "We are the biggest potential political striking force in this country, and we are determined to control the direction of education."

"Those who rose highest in the public schools establishment and the NEA were those most strongly committed to secularism and statism," wrote Blumenfeld. Those two complementary philosophies fueled the vision of NEA leaders who sought an utopian world, freed from Biblical constraints and ruled by humanist politicians and taught by progressive educators. Parental rights and religious freedom would be swallowed up by the surpassing rights and rules of the greater community -- the controlled collective

in 1976. An National Education Association program titled "A Declaration of Interdependence: Education for a Global community", this program was made available to schools across the country.

in 1985, The curriculum arm of the NEA, the Association for Supervision and Curriculum Development (ASCD) co-sponsored an international curriculum symposium in the Netherlands. According to Education Week, the ASCD executive director, Dr. Gordon Cawelti "urged representatives of other Western nations and Japan to press for the development of a 'world-core curriculum' based on knowledge that will ensure 'peaceful and cooperative existence among the human species on this planet'.

"This World Core Curriculum would be based on the teachings of theosophist Alice Bailey who received her channeled instructions from her spirit guide, Djhwal Khul. The framework would be written by occultist UN leader Robert Muller.

in 1988. In "Globalism Tramples on American Values," Dr. D. L. Cuddy wrote: " American Forum on Education and International Competence will.. have workshops on such topics as 'Developing Strategies for Internationalizing State Curriculum' and 'Political/Religious Challenges to Global Education.

According to a report by the Study Commission on Global Education, all school courses should be 'infused with a global perspective.'


Some of the activities UNICEF and the National Education Association were and are involved with

The rights of the child

includes gender rights

Abortion rights


and so much more-keep in mind -the National Education Association backs UNICEF-and has opened our public school doors the the UNICEF.

PLEASE TAKE THE TIME TO GO OVER THIS DOCUMENT, after you have read it, I think you will understand where much of our Public School system is ran by UNICEF working with the NATIONAL EDUCATION ASSOCIATION and the Department of Education. Collectively they are indoctrinating and brainwashing our children, Western Europe




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